Dear Graciewilde,

Your last conversation about “Humpty-Dumpty” took days of contemplation…. then I went back to bed. I suspect you and I are riding the same wave. Sometimes without a board! And that my wonderful writer is why I love to read your work. Contemplation is oft times an overlooked, healing word. The fact that it also takes some serious private time is also forgotten.

So, anytime a writer, or a friend, or a world situation throws the word up on your windshield , don’t turn on the wipers. Go home , park, hide but take your word “contemplation” with you and get to know each other.

The next moment might bring up the word “introspection”. The result is not unlike having a straight up martini. A simple and momentary peace!

May your chocolate Easter Bunny bring some comfort. And may all our colored eggs be hard boiled…. But let our coming days be soft boiled. 🐥🐇💕🐣

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Every now => "fresh with opportunities for growth"

Those opportunities drift into your dreams and mature on the perspective you now have. Not young. Never young again. Fresh. We can debate the seasoned or the fresh for awhile. As long as we have awhile ;-)

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Mar 30Liked by Graciewilde

Better words of advice were never spoken..

Older age is a vacation from being young. Hey! Youth is stressful, it's hectic, it's self-critical, it's stubbing your heart over and over. It's trying to fit in, it's fear of appearing weird, it's being tested over and over. It's not liking your body no matter how slender you get!

Age, on the other hand, is taking a break from.all the above, chilling, doing after-action reports on those wild decades! Taking stock, resting up, smelling the roses. Don't worry, we all come back and get to be young again- back in the rat-race of youth, "Back on the Chain Gang"as Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders sang. So enjoy your vacation while you can! You'll be youthful again soon enough! 🙂

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I hear you

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Mar 30Liked by Graciewilde

I don't even try to fool myself into thinking I am "still young and fresh with opportunities for growth". I just try and focus on what I can do now. With age comes retirement and the ability to enjoy life in a way that I never could before when I was stuck on that relentless, busy, grind of day to day life. Working. parenting, stressing.... no thanks. I'll take my quieter, albeit slower paced and maybe less exciting days! I will savor the moments and the time and space to do all those things that I never had time for before.

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I'm getting old enough that my friends and I are feeling it, and we're losing some of our peers. For me it's a mixed bag. More aches and pains, less energy, things I can't eat. But I've never been so confident, and able to appreciate life as it is. My attitude has gotten much better over time, even as my body isn't doing quite as well as it used to.

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Mar 30Liked by Graciewilde

Use your experience to make the most of what can be.

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