Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by Graciewilde

People look to the past and say that was less complicated. It did have its up's and down's and maybe depended on the weather if you were a farmer. Expectations are a conundrum. They are made of mutual dependency.

We are urbanized, so we are dependent, both on jobs and on supply chains, (often called "just-in-time"). Back to nature will only support very few, and you wouldn't know how to do it, (without a copy of Real Simple). Mankind has lost 1,000's of years of know-how, and claims ancients were ignorant. You can grow peas, or have chickens and get 3 eggs a day, but that won't feed a family.

What factors into the state of mind? The most important is to live within the means of your present income, and have some little surplus. Move very slowly with the increases. Every conundrum and complication is the result of one thing:

For the western man; your COMPARISON AND ENVY enslave you and finally kill you. If you didn't covet what "the Joneses" have, capitalism would crash, because you wouldn't buy that new iPhone. In fact all advertising doesn't seek to sell you a product, its goal is to make you envious. "Look at this model holding this mouthwash. So many people want to kiss her fragrant breath". She has it all. Envious, right?

All the rest is a side trip offered to ignore my ENVY: less internal chatter, less obligations, less swirling to-do lists, less physical stuff to care for, less outside input, less attention to appearances of all kinds, less meddling, less intrusions of busy-ness, less doing. Actually all that stuff is FUN! and each day only presents one, or just a few items.

When you are your incomparable self, you ARE surprised, you are openness, you are beauty. That is your true identity. You can't miss it.


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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Graciewilde

I always lived light - but that was mainly because I'm an actress/comedienne/writer. This work takes all of you. I got married at 50. Never wanted kids etc...I didn't want to even own a home....a born wanderer. People are disruptors - sometimes for good - for lessons - beware of the vampires.

simply is staying as unattached as possible.

The marketing ploy is truly a living organism, a growing invisible monster, lying and twisting its way around us and suffocating us. Careful with technology - that is a huge nose vacuuming up all energy....

nice subject Gracie!

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I live simply because I was poor for many years, and I'm not willing to spend money on things I don't need.

I make my own shampoo, laundry soap, tooth paste and some other things from easily accessible and inexpensive ingredients. My shampoo is made by steeping plants that grow in the wild or abundantly where I live, so it's virtually free.

I also buy second hand, check out free bins and don't buy what I don't need.

I eat simple, vegan meals made from whole organically grown food.

And I don't need a magazine to tell me how to do these things.

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Mar 20Liked by Graciewilde

I want to simplify life by trying to fully enjoy and appreciate what I do have rather than longing for and regretting what I do not have. Often I fail miserably at this, but that’s what I at least want to try to do.

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